Injured Worker Stories My Story Injured Worker Written Stories Injured Worker Video Stories Tell Your Story
My Story before
My Story with
the WCB/WSIB(current)
My Story with
the WSIB Appeals
My Story with
My Story with
the Ontario Superior Court
My Story with
the Ontario Court of Appeal
My Story with
the Supreme Court of Canada
My 1st Documented WCB Work Accident - Dec. 14/95 My 2nd Documented WCB Work Accident - Nov. 18/96 My 3rd Documented WCB Work Accident - Feb. 6/97 My 4th Documented WCB Work Accident - Jul. 7/97 My 5th Documented WSIB Work Accident - Aug. 27/98 My 6th Documented WSIB Work Accident - Jun 12/13 My 7th Documented WSIB Work Accident - Apr. 2/20

My Story - My Dealings with Ontario's WCB and WSIB

My Dealings with the Ontario WCB up and
until December 31, 1997, when it became the WSIB

My Work Accidents

I decided to break my story down into separate pages discussing each of my many work accidents and injuries. This way people may start to understand the level of danger involved with the work that I was forced to perform. Especially in what my employer called modified work programs! The main injuries occurred from the first six accidents.

Ironically, within these six work accidents, three of the accidents and injuries were not reported by my employer to the WCB/WSIB. This even though I had reported them to my employer AND provided proof of reporting it to them, as you will learn.
These three were:
  • My first accident of December 14, 1995,
    This the employer claimed I never worked for them. Then the WCB almost four months later granted the claim, but NEVER told me.

  • My fourth accident of July 7, 1997, and I was involved in an accident just months after being forced back to work. I reported the accident and injuries to my employer, both verbally and in writing. Not surprisingly my employer is claiming I never told them!
  • My fifth accident of August 27, 1998, This was interesting in that, not only was I again injure din an employer claimed modified work program, when I took time off work, the employer claimed I was not co-operating, and I was not paid for those days off work.

    The sixth work accident is quite interesting in that it involves a cumulation of time as the injury. Simply it is commonly referred to as a repetitive strain injury. It occurs when a person is doing repetitive movements, or also and importantly in my case repeatedly lifting heavy items. For example, having to unload a full 53’ tractor trailer every day. This claim was denied, and I am in the process of appealing it as well.

    I will be updating each work accident page, by adding in at the bottom links if that injury involved an appeal, which pretty much all of them did.

    I hope you find my story of my work accidents, injuries, and my appeals informative and helpful for you!