Second Documented Work Accident - Left Foot - November 18, 1996
On November 18, 1996, I was delivering a load to a store in Kitchener Ontario.I was setting up the manual roller system inside the trailer. This was in preparation to hand unload the trailer.
The roller dropped out of the other person’s hand and struck the top of my foot.
To see what the roller system looks like look at the photo below. The rollers were not the same in the picture.
The rollers were rollers that were intended to be mounted in the store and not used in the trailer,
the store had bought the wrong rollers!
Instead of the store returning them and getting the right rollers, they had no concern,
of course not the store manager never worked with them. Not to mention, if a driver gets hurts, such as myself, in a Canadian Tire store, the driver’s work injury did not impact the Canadian Tire store in any way.
I reported the incident to my employer and Canadian Tire dispatch.
After the incident, I was struggling to walk.
Surprisingly Canadian Tire dispatch sent another driver.
The other driver that drove me back to the yard.
I was able to drive my car. My car had an automatic transmission, so no clutch to operate with my left foot.
I able to see my doctor right away. My doctor had x-rays done. Fortunately, he said it was just a minor injury to take it easy for a few days.
Yet again, I was paid for actual time worked and not my full shift of work.
I noticed in the employer’s report of injury form they said I worked only forty-four hours per week.
This was a lie, as I always worked between sixty and seventy hours per week.
It was obvious to me the person who filled out the employer form
worked in an office far far away from any real work.
This is the image of me unlaoding.
In the image, you can see the roller system.
This is the correct roller system for a trailer,
the one that dropped on my foot was twice as wide.
(Click the image to enlarge it)
Below is a copy of my WCB Claim file
for my foot injury
click the image to downlaod a PDF copy
My next documented work accident and injury was on February 6, 1997.
This did not include the numerous repetitive strains injuries I had experienced from the extremely heavy repetitive work of unloading the fully packed trailers.
It also did not include the numerous work accidents and injuries I suffered on a daily basis
from boxes and items falling on me.
None of these undocumented accidents and injuries prevented me from working. Well in the future they would, but I continued to work and I would report them to my employer.
However, my complaints would fall on deafened ears. This was until my work accident of February 6, 1997,
which completely removed me from work for many months.
My February 6, 1997 work accident, was my third work accident and is the next work accident in my story.
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