Injured Worker Stories My Story Injured Worker Written Stories Injured Worker Video Stories Tell Your Story
My Story My Story
before the WCB
My Story with
the WCB
My Story with
the WSIB
My Story with
the WSIB Appeals
My Story with
My Story with
the Ontario Superior Court
My Story with
the Ontario Court of Appeal(current)
My Story with
the Supreme Court of Canada
My Story with
Canada's Parliament
My Story with
the United Nations
My Civil Appeal C63503
March 2017
My Judicial Review - Mandamus Appeal C65144
March 2018
My Appeal for Judicial Review - Certiorari
November 2021(current)

My Story - My Appeal
with the Court of Appeal for Ontario

Learn From My Mistakes and if ever I get any, my sucesses in Court!

Court of Appeal for Ontario - My Appeal
I have created this webpage to tell my story of my interactions with the Court of Appeal for Ontario.
This specific page is regarding my appeal to the Court of Appeal for Ontario for my application for Judicial Review - Certiorari. I had filed my application for Judicial Review - Certiorari with the Divisional Court in August 2022.

My appeal to the Court of Appeal was regarding a decision of the Panel of the Divisional Court, which dismissed my motion to set aside a single sitting judge’s decision of the Divisional Court to dismiss my application for Judicial Review - Certiorari for delay.

To learn more about what happened at the Divisional Court of check out a webpage I have setup to explain everything hat happened thereat click here.

Below are the documents and process of my appeal to the Corut of Appeal

Motion for Leave to Appeal

My Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal

My Legal Arguements, or Factum in Support of My Motion for Leave to Appeal

My Supporitng Documents, or Motion Record in Support of My Motion for Leave to Appeal

The WSIAT's Legal Arguements, or Factum in Response to My Motion for Leave to Appeal

The WSIAT's Supporting Documents, or Responding Motion Record in Support of the WSIAT's Arguments

My Reply Arguements, or Reply Factum in Reply to the WSIAST's Arguments

The Decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario

My Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal

Before I am allowed to appeal the lower court’s decision I had to file a Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal tot eh Corut of Appeal.
Within the Notice of Motion I had to provide the grounds why I was asking to appeal the lwoer court's decision.

Click the image to download
a PDF copy of My Notice of Motion

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My Legal Arguements, or Factum in Support of My Motion for Leave to Appeal

I also had to provide legal arguements, or a Factum in support of my moiton.

Click the image to download
a PDF copy of My Factum in Support of My Motion

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My Supporitng Documents, or Motion Record in Support of My Motion for Leave to Appeal

This is a rather large document and will take me time to remove personal information. Once I have completed redacting all my personal information, I will post a copy of my supporting documents or Motion Record here.

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The WSIAT's Legal Arguements, or Factum in Response to My Motion for Leave to Appeal

Once the WSIAT has provided me a copy of their Legal Arguments, or Factum I will post it here.

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The WSIAT's Supporting Documents, or Responding Motion Record in Support of the WSIAT's Arguments

Once the WSIAT has provided me a copy of their REsponding Motion REcord I will post it here.

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My Reply Arguements, or Reply Factum in Reply to the WSIAST's Arguments

Once I have prepared and filed my Reply to the WSIAT’s Response, I will post my Reply it here.

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The Decision of the Court of Appeal for Ontario

Once the Court of Appeal has made and issued their decision, I will post it here.

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