Injured Worker Stories My Story Injured Worker Written Stories Injured Worker Video Stories Tell Your Story
My Story My Story
before the WCB
My Story with
the WCB
My Story with
the WSIB
My Story with
the WSIB Appeals
My Story with
My Story with
the Ontario Superior Court
My Story with
the Ontario Court of Appeal(current)
My Story with
the Supreme Court of Canada
My Story with
Canada's Parliament
My Story with
the United Nations
My Civil Appeal to COA - C63503
March 2017(current)
My Judicial Review - Mandamus Appeal to COA - C65144
March 2018
My Appeal for Judicial Review - Certiorari
November 2021

My Story - My Civil Appeal C63503
with the Court of Appeal for Ontario

Learn From My Mistakes and if ever I get any, my sucesses in Court!

Court of Appeal for Ontario - My Civil Appeal C63503
I have setup this webpage to tell My Story of my interactions with the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Regarding my appeal to the Court of Appeal, where I attempted to sue the WSIB and the WSIAT.
Ontario’s workers compensation board and Ontario’s workers compensation appeal’s tribunal.

This is a continuation of My Story from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
To learn about that part of my story first, click here.

Below I have placed the documents that were filed with the Court, along with explaining the legal process to help others, if they wish to go this route.

Notice of Appeal & Appelant's Certificate for My Civil Appeal C63503

Factum for My Civil Appeal C63503

Exhibit Book for My Civil Appeal C63503

Appeal Book for My Civil Appeal C63503

Book of Authorities for My Civil Appeal C63503

The WSIB Factum in Resposne to My Civil Appeal C63503
Notice of Appeal & Appelant's Certificate for My Civil Appeal C63503
The first step in appealing a lower Court's deciion to the Court of Appeal, is to file a Notice of Appeal with the Court of Appeal.
This must be done within a certain period of time from the lower's court's decision being issued. If you have missed the time limit, you can file a motion to the Court of Appeal requesting an extension of time. I will explain in another section of this website of how to fight your WCB/WSIB/WorkSafe, at the Court of Appeal including how to ask for an extension of time. Once I have setup that page, I will provide a link here.
Also know that only certain decisions can be appealed directly to the Court of Appeal.
For example:
In Ontario, a decision of a single sitting judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. When the judge is NOT sitting as a single sitting judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice - Divisional Court . Those decisions are appealed, by way of motion, to a Panel of the Divisional Court. Also, you can appeal a decision of a Panel of Judges of the Ontario Superior Court - Divisional Court to the Court of Appeal.
In other Provinces/Territories decisions of the workers compensation appeals tribunal can be appealed directly to the Provincial/Territorial Court of Appeal. I will explain in another section of this website of how to fight your WCB/WSIB/WorkSafe. Once I have setup that page, I will provide a link here.

Also, in Onatrio an Appellant must file a certificate declaring what evidence will be used at the appeal.

Notice of Appeal

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of my Notice of Appeal.)

Appellant's Certificate

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of my Notice of Appeal.)

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Factum - My Civil Appeal C63503
The next thing that must be done is to prepare your legal arguements. This is referred to as your Factum. This is a book, which contains a statement of your facts and your legal arguements you are relying on in your appeal.

Factum - My Civil Appeal C63503

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of My Factum - 1 meg.)

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Exhibit Book - My Civil Appeal C63503
The first thing that must be done is to prepare an Exhibit Book. This is a book, which contains all the exhibits, which were used at the lower Court and/or Tribunal.
I have broken the Exhibit Book down into five volumes.

Exhibit Book - Volume I of V

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of Exhibit Book - Volume I of V - 33 meg.)

Exhibit Book - Volume II of V

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of Exhibit Book - Volume II of V - 14.4 meg.)

Exhibit Book - Volume III of V

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of Exhibit Book - Volume III of V - 18 meg.)

Exhibit Book - Volume IV of V

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of Exhibit Book - Volume IV of V - 33.4 meg.)

Exhibit Book - Volume V of V

(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of Exhibit Book - Volume V of V - 38.1 meg.)

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Appeal Book & Appellant's Compendium- My Civil Appeal C63503
The next thing that must be done is to prepare an Appeal Book and Appellant's Compendium. The appeal book is a book, which contains all the decisions of the lower Courts and/or Tribunals. It also is the exhibits, which you will rely on in your legal arguements. A compendium is a book which is allt he evidence in order for the judges to easily refer to. In this case it is part of the appeal book.

Appeal Book & Appellant's Compendium - My Civil Appeal C63503
I am still working on this page and will add this book soon.

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Book of Authorities - My Civil Appeal C63503
The next t......

Book of Authorities - My Civil Appeal C63503
I am still working on this page and will add this book soon.
(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of My Book of Authorities - 00.0 meg.)

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WSIB Respondent's Book - My Civil Appeal C63503
The next thing .....

WSIB Respondent's Book - My Civil Appeal C63503
I am still working on this page and will add this book soon.
(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of WSIB's Respondent Book - 0.00 meg.)

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WSIB Factum - My Civil Appeal C63503
The next thing that must be done is to prepare your legal arguements. This is referred to as your Factum. This is a book, which contains a statement of your facts and your legal arguements you are relying on in your appeal.

Factum - My Civil Appeal C63503
I am still working on this page and will add this book soon.
(Click the image to download
a pdf copy of My Factum - 1 meg.)

Click Here to Return to Top of the Page

Please check back as I am still working on this page.