of WCB Laws
Employee Waiver
Not Valid
Healthcare Benefits
Other Than Prescriptions
Institutional Delays
Within Workers Compensation System
Marine Law v.
Workers Comp Law
Presumption of
Work Injury
Retroactivity of
Tribunal Decisions
Subjective vs
Objective Findings
Sue a
Third Party
Suing a
WCB/WSIB/WorkSafe Doctors
Injured Worker(current)
Wrongful Conviction of IWs
for Allegded Fraud

Human Rights Tribunals
Applications for
Judicial Review
Court of Appeals

Supreme Court of Canada

Important Caselaw - Unemployable Injured Workers

Knowledge and Information for Injured Workers, by Injured Workers

Unemployable Injured Workers

In most cases injured workers are being forced back to work, when they cna not perform any type of work. In these cases the injured worker has appealed and/or asked for Judcial Review to be dtermined as unemployable. This means then the WCB/WSIB/WorkSafe is then forced to pay the worker full beenfits until age 65. To jsut age 65 is yet anothe issue and category as stated above.

I do not have any cases to reference yet, but I do know they exist. I will add them here, in due time.

If you know of other good relevant cases,
please let me know by using the contact page,

or e-mail me at

I will add them here. I will gladly give you full credit for finding the case and providing it to me,
as I did for Lisa and Rob!
Thanks again to them and to you, for all your help to make this website better,
for injured workers, by injured workers!