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Follow @fightthewcb  

If you like us and what we are doing, then PLEEEEEEEASE REALLY like us on social media and share us toooo!
We are working to setup accounts on most popular social media platforms to better connect with all injured workers!
Also, if you are not on any social media platforms, consider signing up. It is a great place to conenct with other like-minded people, including injured workers. It is also a great place to voice your concerns of a failed workers compensation system!
Best part is that the majority of workers compensation boards have social media accounts.
So you can let them know how you feel about their services!
A list has been provided on the
about WCB/WSIB/WorkSafe page for
each of the Province/Territory's workers compensation social media accounts.
About FightWCB's Website
FightWCB's contains specific information for victims of workplace accidentsto fight their respective workers compensation boards in any Common law Country. Some common law countries are:
the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and others.
This website has been redesigned and re-organized to provide information to injured workers.
A considerable amount of new information and categories have been created.
The sole purpose of this website is to help injured workers – through information!
If you can, take the opportunity, and look at the top navigation bar. This is where information has been categorized. You need to know that there are many sub-categories and unless you look around you may miss that piece of information you have been looking for. Or something you needed and didn't even know it! For example, under “Important Stuff” has the sub-categories of:
Important Books, Important Studies/Reports, Importnat Caselaw, and Importnat Freedom of Informaiton Requests.
For example, often times injured workers are told by the WCBs that "degeneration" is an age-related condition. However, in most cases it is from heavy repetitive work taking a toll on the body!
For example there is a recent decision under the subcategory of Applications for Judicial Review in Ontario, that makes clear a decision maker can NOT make medical decisions. This will impact hundreds of thousands of injured workers who have been lied to by the various workers compensation boards. This was when the injured workers were wrongly forced back to work. There is also an explanation as to what Judicial Review is and how an injured worker can use it to, attempt to deal with massive delays with decisions, get a decision overturned, to stop the board from doing something unlawful, or have the court make a declaration.
These categories are very important to injured workers and, in some cases, may help even help your fight!
The site is not finished. So, you may come across pages with nothing on it, or sadly no page at all. We have structured the site this way, so we know what needs to be done. We are working on it slowly, as we have our own fights. Fights you will learn about. If you need immediate specific information you can always send an e-mail at
As always, we welcome any comments good, bad, and ugly.
This way we can say it truly is for injured workers by injured workers!
The National Charter Class Claim has been filed with the Court!
The National Charter Class Claim has been filed with the courts in Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta.The group is proceeding with Ontario's matter first.
For more information go to the National Charter Class Claim page.
Fight or Plight of Injured Workers
In thinking of the plight of injured workers, or as I like to properly recognize
"victims of workplace accidents"
I am reminded of this very old but most important legal statement
regarding the rights of those who have been harmed/wronged by a failed system:
“For it is a settled and invariable principle in the laws of England,
that every right when withheld must have a remedy, and every injury its proper redress”
Sir William Blackstone - 1765